Friday, August 8, 2008

"George Lucas...Ruiner of Childhood Nostalgia"

Well, since George Lucas has done an excellent job over the past 10 years or so at beating 2 of the most popular franchises in cinema history into the ground, it seems a solution has been found: freeze him in carbonite similar to Han Solo in "Empire Strikes Back."

The miserably crappy trilogy of "Star Wars" prequels started emerging from Lucasfilm's graveyard like sailor zombies horney for money, money, Jar Jar Binks, and more money in the late 1990's. This process started when he fiddled around with the original trilogy and put it back in theaters for the first film's 20th anniversary in 1997.

I was just as excited as the next guy to finally get a chance to see these films on the big screen at the age of 13, but what I didn't need to see was Han Solo with a conscience (Greedo shot first), Jabba the Hutt as a shiny blatantly CGI-looking slug roaming around on Tatooine, that horrendous cartoon of the cantina scene when the old one was just fine, and that stupid Macy's Day parade crap they shoved into the Ewok party at the end of "Return of the Jedi." Regardless of these horrendous additions that no one asked for, I still managed to see each film at least 2 or 3 times that summer, along with Howard Stern's "Private Parts" film (which still holds up as one of the greatest comedies of all time).

The only decent film of the new trilogy was the last one, and only the last hour or so of it. George Lucas hasn't made anything creative since he conjured up the idea for Indiana Jones (which he also managed to massacre and pillage this summer). Now he's got this iffy looking "Star Wars" cartoon coming out this summer, followed by a "Star Wars" TV show that starts filming soon in Australia, and converting the old films to 3-D. The funny part about this is that all three of those statements are true.

It was no coincidence the best film of the original trilogy was "The Empire Strikes Back" which wasn't directed by Lucas. With the new films, he took complete control of all three, and completely controlled them into the submission of being a collective piece of dog poop. George Lucas should turn into a recluse like he did in the 80's, stay under the radar, give any new ideas he has to someone else to develop (like he did with Spielberg for the first 3 "Indiana Jones" films), and stop regurgatating sh***y new "Star Wars" ideas. Let it go George, you've made the same movie a baker's dozen times. Go freeze yourself in some carbonite and go to a Star Trek convention.

To read more about the possibilities of George Lucas being frozen in Carbonite visit this site:

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